Sunday, April 20, 2014

Last day alone/Spring break post 1

hey! guess what?? ive turned 16 like a week ago! which means ive been using this site for 2 years already! daaaang!
The past two weeks were amaaazing, ive been going out a lot with new people and eating a lot of junk food which isn't really amazing -lol- and having movie nights every single day/ yeah that's pretty much it. /tidying my bed every morning is a pain in the asssss omg/
As I said, my birthday was a week ago, and my parents weren't in Lebanon. They came back for 3 days just to say happy birthday! im lucky to have such parents. they're lovely.
My friends "surprised" me too! hmm do you want to know why I wrote surprise between quotation marks?? :
It wasn't really a surprise for me haha. I knew every single thing my friends were planning.. I mean im not that stupid I know how my friends act I know them since forever! (I won't write a lot of details about this, but there's so much to say). I really love my friends and I really appreciate what they did for me, I had a great time.
since today is my last day alone, im planning on going out all day.
anyway. im travelling to Amsterdam/Paris next sunday and I cant wait! it's going to be one hell of a trip.

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